Category: Faith

Faith Mind Soul

How to Turn Any Problem Into a Peaceful Prayer?

What changes would you like to experience right now? If you had a magic wand, what would you wish for? Your answers are the foundations for your affirmations, prayers, and manifestations. With your answers, you can resolve and heal ANY situation! Let’s say that you wished for a better job, …
Faith Kindness Life Soul Wisdom Stories

A Letter From Heaven

  The angels came and ushered me into God’s presence, dear Mama. They carried me, like you did, when I would fall asleep. I awoke into the arms of Jesus, the One who gave His life for me! It’s so beautiful up here, Mama. A pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding …
Action Belief Faith Life Success Time

It Starts with a Dream

“It starts with a dream. Add faith, and it becomes a belief. Add action, and it becomes a part of life. Add perseverance, and it  becomes a goal in sight. Add patience and time, and it ends with a dream come true.”
Faith Love

When the world seems to be falling down around you

“When the world seems to be falling down around you, it is really only falling into place” Have you ever wondered where sayings like this come from? If so, take a seat, a deep breath and read on……. WIN the war! If you ever feel stuck, be it over a person …