Category: Inspirational

Inspirational Life Wisdom Quotes

60 Tips for a Great Life – Robin Sharma

1. Exercise daily. 2. Get serious about gratitude. 3. See your work as a craft. 4. Expect the best and prepare for the worst. 5. Keep a journal. 6. Read “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”. 7. Plan a schedule for your week. 8. Know the 5 highest priorities of your …
Hurt Inspirational Wisdom Quotes

Don’t tell your problems to people

“Don’t tell your problems to people: 80% don’t care; and the other 20% are glad you have them.” ~ Lou Holtz Some people really don’t like you to be happy or see you succeed in life, but don’t spend your energy worrying about them, just trust God and live the …

Great Rules for Easy Living

If you open it, close it. If you turn it on, turn it off. If you unlock it, lock it up. If you break it, admit it. If you can’t fix it, call in someone who can. If you borrow it, return it. If you value it, take care of …