Category: Life

Life Regret

Live your life the way you want

“Don’t let people make you feel bad or guilty for living your life. It is your life, live it the way you want.” I did feel bad and guilty because of what others would do or say. NOW,, I don’t let people run my life or I don’t jump for …
Life Men Women Work

A woman who creates a happy life on her own

“A woman who creates a full, happy life on her own is a lot more inviting than one who looks to a man to create it for her.” It was gods intention to have the man to be the provider first but since so many man don’t or cant live …
Care Life

Life becomes so much better

“Life becomes so much better when you decide not to care. Just live for the moment and don’t let the drama bring you down.” No regrets, no worries. Relax and breathe. Stay present, understanding that you did the best you could at the time, and you’ll do your best in …