Category: Mind

Mind Soul


Insecurities are not some thing we are born with , but some thing we pick up during our life, based on other people’s opinions about us, which to be honest are from people who are not happy with themselves any way or have their own issues and struggles that they …

Someone cross your Mind every day

“It’s crazy how you can go Months or Years without talking to someone but they still cross your Mind every day.” Time does heal – but memories thankfully stay to warm hearts and then there are those that are still with us and we think of them all the time …

When the Mind is blind

“The Eyes are useless when the Mind is blind.” Dont let your eyes be useless, what have you seek, use your heart so that you feel what it does. Just open you mind to our Lord. ~ Cristina Calderon Petrola “Anyone who has common sense will remember that the bewilderments of the eyes …