Category: Wisdom Stories

Wisdom Stories

Love, Wealth & Success

A woman came out of her house and saw three old men sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them but She said, “ I don’t think I know you, but please come in and have something to eat.” “ Is the man of the house home?” they asked. …
Life Wisdom Quotes Wisdom Stories

Inspirational Story

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man had to spend all his …
Wisdom Stories

Employment Miracle

Are you having trouble finding a job? Don’t give up! Gabriel graduated but couldn’t find a job for over a year. Follow his story below to find out what valuable advices he received from his mother and what miracles he received. Gabriel left his seat and walked the length of …
Family Father Wisdom Stories

Father & Son A Real-Life Story

This is a real life story of Rick Hoyt born 43 years ago in Winchester, Massachusetts. Somehow his umbilical cord became wrapped around his neck, leaving him brain-damaged and unable to control his limbs. The doctors told Rick’s parents that he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life. …