Category: Wisdom Quotes
“Don’t tell your problems to people: 80% don’t care; and the other 20% are glad you have them.” ~ Lou Holtz Some people really don’t like you to be happy or see you succeed in life, but don’t spend your energy worrying about them, just trust God and live the …
“Sometimes people expose what’s wrong with you, because they can’t handle what’s right about you.” It makes them feel better to point out our flaws. Everyone has them. Being nice and kind, costs nothing, and makes a person feel good. ~ Micki Coffman © Wisdom Quotes & Stories
Lessons from 9/11, the annoying little things: As you might know, the head of a major company survived the tragedy of “9/11” in New York because his son started kindergarten. Another fellow was alive because it was his turn to bring donuts. One woman was late because her alarm clock …
“What should not be heard by little ears should not be spoken by big mouths. Choose your words carefully in front of children.” When you have your grandchildren with you remember to never say anything bad about their parents even if they ask you, I made this mistake once and …