
I will never stay down

life has knocked me down few times but I will always get up and never stay down  - Wisdom Quotes and Stories

“Life has knocked me down a few times. I’ve seen things I never want to see again. But I’ll always get back up, I will never stay down.”

That’s the spirit of a winner. It doesn’t matter how many times you are down but how many times you stand on your feet matter most in life. ~ Clara Agbi

With all due respect, you can fight back. Hold out your hand up to God, and ask to help you, and HE WILL rise you UP and be the strength behind you ..I can attest to it. ~ Tena Jones

You’ve grown on your path. Honor your past and embrace your journey. You are exactly where you need to be. ~ Creig Crippen

© Wisdom Quotes & Stories

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